31 Woman

-Proverbs 31-
25 “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.
26 She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.”
After reading these same familiar verses again last week, the Lord shed a different light on them for me.
I want to be that kind of woman- strong and wise, yet merciful and tender. I want to speak with confidence and kindness. I want to be a woman with poise and dignity who can smile at the future because I have put my trust in the Lord. Please help me, Lord to cultivate that kind of character. Help me to be a woman who places little value on the things of this world (charm, beauty, fame, or riches) and great value on knowing You.

“Cover the Girl”

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An interesting thought came to mind the other day when I passed by the bathroom counter where my makeup was scattered. I noticed the name of my powder “Cover girl”; sure maybe it is intended to mean “Your face is sure to be plastered on the cover of a magazine if you wear our line of makeup”, but the thought that stuck in my mind was what if the name of our makeup reflects the attitude of our hearts as women? The more I think about it, the more I am starting to believe that is true in a lot of cases. The purpose of makeup shouldn’t be to “cover up” our imperfections, but enhance the beauty we already have.

I’ve heard it said that to be human is to be beautifully flawed. No amount of foundation or powder, eye makeup, or time in the salon is going to remove the fact that we are imperfect. Our hope is found in the fact that we are loved by a perfect God and we are made beautifully in His image.

What if we purposed to be women that spent less time living in fear of covering the blemishes and instead we worked to enhance our God given beauty. Then, we could choose to shift our focus from “covering the girl” to passionately serving God and loving others